Mammal Cages
Rabbit Cage
Strong resilient cage body is moulded in polypropylene for its superior chemical resistance to urine and other body fluids. The body has rounded corners for easy cleaning and to avoid food entrapment and other contaminations. The extra strong wire lid, securely locked to the body top, is made of stainless steel which does not corrode. Repeatedly autoclavable.
B11184 -
Insect Nets
Plankton Net
87 cm long collection bag made of strong bolting netting cloth suspended by muslin reinforcement and mounted on a strong wire ring of 30 cm dia. Three braided strong leads are attached to swivel front. Lower end of the bag is provided with a 5 cm opening with strong cloth pocket for tying the collection vial.
B11240 -
Insect Nets
Vasculum, Botanical
For collection of botanical specimen. Elegant in appearance, extremely handy and most useful for outdoor collection. Oval cross section aluminium metal body, hinged door, outside enamel painted, with hooks and shoulder strap, for specimen collection. Size: 600 x 200 x 300 mm
B11250 -
Insect Nets
For collecting flies, spiders and other small arthropods. Comprises 75 x 25 mm glass tube with inlet and outlet tubes through a rubber stopper. Collecting tube has a flared end and the mouth piece is with rubber tube connection with a gauze filter, to confine collected specimen to the tube.
B11260 -
1. Ranunculus Sceleratus2. Delphinium AjacisCruciferae
3. Chrassica Campestris(Mustard)
4. Papaver Rhoeas (Garden Poppy)5. Argemone MexicaneMalvaceae6. Althaea Rosea7. Hibiscus Rosa8. Gossypium HerchaceumRutaceae9. Citrus Aurantium10. Murraya ExoticaLeguminosae11. Lathyrus Odoratus12. Cassia Fistula13. Acacia ArabicaRosaeae14. Rosa Indica15. Pyriis Malus16. Prunus PersicaCucurchitaceae17. Lufa Aegyptiaca18. Musk MelonChenopodiaceae19. Chenopodium AlbumEuphorabiaceae20. RicinusCommunls21. Euroibia Pilulifera22. Euroibia SplendensPolygonaceae23. Polygonaceae (Polygonium)
Compositeae24. Helianthus Annuus25. Sonchus AsperSolanaceae26. Solanaceae Nigrm
27. Petunia HychrideAsclepiadaceae28. Calotropis Procea29. Cryptostegia GrandifloraLabiatae30. Salvia Officinalis31. Ocimum ChasilicumApocynaceae32. Nerium Ordorum
Annoanceae33. Artachotrys Odoratissimus34. Annona SquamosaLiliaceae35. Asphodelu Tenuifolius36. Allium CepaGramineae37. Avena Sativa38. Zea MaysUmchelliferae39. Coriandrum Sativum
Convolvulaceae40. Ipomoea palmata
B13140 -