All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Scoliodon External Character
2) Scoliodon General Viscera
3) Scoliodon Digestive System
4) Scoliodon Brain, different views
5) Scoliodon Skeleton
6) Scoliodon Skull
7) Scoliodon Male Urinogenital system
8) Scoliodon Female Urinogenital system
9) Scoliodon Venous system
10) Scoliodon Cranial Nervous system
11) Scoliodon Receptor organs
12) Labeo Rohita External character
13) Labeo Rohita Axial Skeleton
14) Labeo Rohita Skull
15) Amphioxus External character
16) Amphioxus General anatomy
17) Amphioxus T.S. through different regions
18) Amphioxus Development
19) Amphioxus Excretory systemB13095 -
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Frog External character
2) Frog Internal Anatomy
3) Frog Skeleton
4) Frog Skull, different views
5) Frog Development part I-showing stages from egg to Gastrulation
6) Frog Development part II-showing Gastrula to newly hatched Tadpole
7) L. H. Frog showing larvae development Metamorphosis
8) Frog Digestive system
9) Frog Nervous system
10) Frog Reproductive system
11) Frog Excretory system
12) Frog Arterial system
13) Frog Venous system
14) Frog Respiratory system
15) Frog Muscular system
16) Frog Lymphatic system
17) Frog Cranial Nervous system
18) Frog Sense organs
19) Frog V.S.Skin
20) Frog Brain different views
21) Frog Heart different views
22) Frog EyeB13097 -
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Types of Reptiles
2) Snakes Poisonous & Non-poisonous Types
3) Varanus Skull different views
4) Varanus Skeleton
5) Varanus Circulatory System
6) Varanus Excretory System
7) Lizard various systems (Each system on a separate chart)
8) Uromastix various systems (Each system on a separate chart)B13100 -
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Pigeon External Character
2) Pigeon Internal Anatomy
3) Pigeon Skeleton
4) Pigeon various systems
5) Fowl Skeleton
6) Chick Development
7) Chick embryo 16 Hours
8) Chick embryo 18 Hours
9) Chick embryo 24 Hours
10) Chick embryo 27 Hours
11) Chick embryo 28 Hours
12) Chick embryo 30 Hours
13) Chick embryo 33 Hours
14) Chick embryo 43 Hours
15) Chick embryo 48 Hours
16) Chick embryo 56 Hours
17) Chick embryo 72 Hours
18) Chick embryo 96 Hours
19) Beaks of Birds
20) Claws of Birds
21) Types of BirdsB13102 -
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Rat External Development
2) Rat General Anatomy
3) Rat Digestive system
4) Rat Male Reproductive system
5) Rat Female Reproductive system
6) Rat Arterial system
7) Rat Venous system
8) Rat Nervous system
9) Rat Respiratory system
10) Rat Skeleton
11) Rat Brain, different views
12) Rat Heart, different views
13) Rabbit External Development
14) Rabbit General Anatomy
15) Rabbit Digestive system
16) Rabbit Male Reproductive system
17) Rabbit Female Reproductive system
18) Rabbit Arterial system
19) Rabbit Venous system
20) Rabbit Nervous system
21) Rabbit Respiratory system
22) Rabbit Skeleton
23) Rabbit Brain, different views
24) Rabbit Heart, different viewsB13104 -
Comparative Study
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Vertebrate Hearts
2) Vertebrate Brains
3) Vertebrate Skulls
4) Vertebrate Limbs
5) Vertebrate Girdles
6) Vertebrate Urinogenital system
7) Vertebrate Embryos
8) Vertebrate Arterial arches circulation
9) Vertebrate Genital apparatus & venous systemB13106 -
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Cell Membrane showing structure & functions
2) Cell Wall, showing structure & functions
3) Endoplasmic Reticulum showing structure & functions
4) Mitochondrion – showing structure & functions
5) Golgi Complex showing structure & functions
6) Chloroplast – showing structure & functions
7) Nucleus – showing structure & functions
8) Chromosome – showing structure & functions
9) D.N.A. – showing structure & functions
10) R.N.A. – showing structure & functionsB13112 -
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Monohybrid Crossing complete dominance
2) Monohybrid Crossing incomplete dominance
3) Dihybrid Crossing
4) Monohybrid Crossing
5) Mendelian explanation of Cross between tall & dwarf races in Garden Pea
6) Sex-linked inheritance Drosophila
7) Mendelian Heredity of Blue & Adulsian fowls
8) Mendelian Explanation of the breeding behavior of Red & White flowering in 4 o’clockB13114 -
Alage & Fungi
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Chlamydomonas, General structure & Life History
2) Ulothrix general structure and L.H.
3) Oedogonium Life Cycle
4) Spirogyra structure & conjugation
5) Chara structure & L.H.
6) Volvox structure & L.H.
7) Oscilatoria structure & L.H.
8) Nostoc structure & L.H.
9) Batrachospermum structure & L.H.
10) Polysiphonia structure & L.H.
11) Ectocarpus structure & L.H.
12) Dictyota structure & L.H.
13) Fucus structure & L.H.
14) Rhizopus structure & L.H.
15) Mucor structure & L.H.
16) Yeast
17) Bacteria – I showing structure and forms
18) Bacteria – II showing reproduction
19) Virus types, structure & L.H.
20) Penicillium
21) Albugo(Cystopus) structure & reproduction
22) Phytophthora structure & L.H.
23) Puccinia graminis structure & L.H.
24) Agricus structure & life historyB13116 -
Bryophyta, Pteridophyta
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Riccia structure & reproduction
2) Marchantia structure & Life History
3) Anthoceros structure & reproduction
4) Moss (Funaria) life history
5) Selaginella structure & reproduction
6) Psilotum structure & life history
7) Marselia structure & reproduction
8) Lycopodium structure & life history
9) Equistem structure & reproduction
10) Fern (Aspidium) structure & life history
11) Fern (Pteris) structure & life history
12) Fern (Nephrolapis) structure & life historyB13118 -
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Cycas life history
2) Cycas Anatomy
3) Cycas stem T.S.
4) Gnetum structure & life history
5) Ephedra structure & anatomy
6) Pinus structure & life history
7) Pinus anatomy
8) Pinus leaf
9) Pinus stem
10) Pinus stem secondary growthB13120 -
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Plant cell ultrastructure
2) Mitosis in plants
3) Meiosis in plants (1st & 2nd division shown in one chart)
4) Structure of chromosome during mitosis
5) Structure of chromosome during meiosis
6) Typical plant
7) Plant kingdom showing flowering & non-flowering plants
8) Flowering plants (A classification) Hydophytic plants
9) Non-flowering plants (A classification)
10) Xerophytic plants
11) Mesophytic plants
12) Epiphytic plants
13) Insectivorous plants
14) Fossil plants
15) Comparison of dicot & monocot plantsB13122 -
Seeds & Fruits
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Maize seed germination
2) Gram seed germination
3) Bean seed germination
4) Castor seed germination
5) Pea seed germination
6) Dispersal of seeds & fruits
7) Classification of fruitsB13124 -
Roots, Stems, Leaves
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) T.S. Dicot root
2) T.S. Monocot root
3) T.S. Dicot stem
4) T.S. Monocot stem
5) T.S. Dicot leaf
6) T.S. Monocot leaf
7) Root modification
8) Stem modification (Arial)
9) Leaf modification
10) T.S. dicot stem secondary growth
11) Vegetative propagation
12) Artificial propagation
13) Specialised stems
14) Typical leaf showing parts
15) Types of leaves
16) Simple leaves
17) Stipules
18) Leaf venation
19) Compound leaves
20) Phyllotaxy
21) T.S. Dicot root
22) Leaf Lamina secondary growthB13126 -
Flower & Embryology
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75 x 100 cm.
1) Typical flower showing parts
2) Fertilization showing germination of pollen
3) T.S. Anther & its development
4) Germination of pollen grain and development of male Gametophyte
5) Megasporogensis
6) Development of embryo and endosperms
7) Development of embryo in sagittaria
8) Embryo in Capasella
9) Microsporangium
10) Types of emchryo sacs
11) Forms of Androecium
12) Form of Gynaecium
13) Development of Monocot embryo
14) Placentation
15) Aestivation
16) L.H. Datura
17) Inflorescence Part – I showing simple racemose & simple cymose
18) Inflorescence Part – II showing compound & special
19) Pollination different types
20) Foms of ovules
21) Foms of Calx & corollaB13128 -
All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Plant Anatomy Part-I showing simple tissues, parenchyma, collenchyma & sclerenchyma
2) Plant Anatomy Part-II showing complex tissues, Xylem
3) Plant Anatomy Part-III showing complex tissues, PhloemB13130