Bridge Rectifier
Bridge Rectifier is made of four diodes connected in a bridge circuit. It is housed in a plastic moulded box. This bridge rectifier converts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). It provides the same output polarity for either input polarity. All electronic devices require direct current, so bridge rectifiers are used inside the power supplies of almost all electronic equipment. For an easy understanding of the internal circuitry, the circuit diagram is printed on the box.
PH92352 -
Emitting Diode (LED’s)
The bridge rectifier is designed with four LED’s internally arranged in a bridge pattern fitted inside a plastic moulded case. Two LED’s are red and two LED’s are green. This device is used to demonstrate the functioning of a bridge rectifier, i.e., to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). Two yellow sockets are used for AC input. Two sockets, one red, and one black are used for DC output. For the easy understanding of the internal circuitry, the circuit diagram is printed on the box.
PH92354 -
Analog to Digital Converter
The ADC unit converts an analog signal to a digital signal. When a variable voltage is applied to the input terminals it is converted into a digital output. Therefore, a 3-volt input will correspond to binary 11, and 7 volts will correspond to binary 111. A low-frequency AC input signal can be converted into a changing digital value. Use on its own or combined with the DAC to decode back into a stepped analog voltage.
PH92370A -
Numerical System
This panel is used to demonstrate the number systems such as binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers. Toggle switches are used to activate the displays showing the particular number entered. Input may be entered either as decimal or binary numbers with a toggle switch for mode selection. Decimal numbers are shown on a three-digit seven-segment LED display. Operates on 220V.
PH93002 -
Logic Gates Trainer
Logic Gates Trainer is a self-training course in basic digital electronics and is the first step to understanding the fundamentals of any computer. It enables the student to understand AND, OR, NOT, NAND & NOR Gates and in the process to make connections. Supplied with user’s manual.
PH93005 -
Logic Gates Trainer
Logic Gates Trainer has been designed to study logic gates and applications. This trainer board is designed to verify the truth table of various logic functions, to prove De-Morgan’s theorem, Half adder, and Full adder by using logic gates. The board is absolutely self-contained and requires no additional apparatus. 12 V / 1 A DC adaptor is required to operate it.
PH93005B -
Logic Gate Circuit Trainer
Study and verification of flip flops, counters, shift registers, encoders, decoders, multiplexers, and de-multiplexers. Consists of 8 debounced logic inputs, 8 red LED output indicators, +5 V DC (1 A) regulated, short circuit and overload protected power supply, and 1 Hz mono shot clock pulse. All the ICs and components have been placed inside the cabinet and connections brought out at 4 mm sockets.
PH93007 -
Study of Logic Gates, Boolean Identities and Demorgan’s Theorems
To verify the truth table of 3 input AND gate, OR gate, NAND gate, NOR gate, single input NOT gates, Boolean expressions, and Demorgan’s theorems. Consists of 5V d. c. regulated power supply, 4 push-to-ON switches provided for selecting logic ‘1’ and logic ‘0’, 2 Red LED output indicators, circuit diagram printed for 5 OR, 5 AND, and 4 NOT gates and their respective IC’s placed inside the cabinet and connections brought out at sockets.
PH93010 -
Operation Amplifier Kit
To study Operational Amplifier Characteristics and Applications. Consists of 3 D. C. regulated power supplies of 0 – 5 V Continuously variable, ± 15 V D. C. regulated power supply, Sine, Square, Triangular wave outputs, one Bread board having two main strips and two distribution strips. Complete with two dual-range meters and necessary components.
PH93015 -
Study of Operation Amplifier
To demonstrate the function of the operational amplifier using TL081 and L272 with discrete components with different values of resistors, and capacitors. Input can be applied from the microphone and LDR. Offset null control is also provided. Output can be fed through the power amplifier into a loudspeaker.
PH93020 -
Instrumentation Amplifier
An instrumentation amplifier is a switched gain precision operational amplifier. This is used for precise and accurate, low-noise differential signal acquisition. 4mm sockets are used for the input signal. It can be interfaced with a wide range of sensors. It can take small voltage changes from a sensor and make those changes large enough to be measured using CRO. It is not able to drive a low-impedance load such as a loudspeaker or relay. The output can be read on CRO. A digital multimeter may also be used to read the output. With the switched gain of 5 to 1000, it can handle signal inputs over a very wide range making it suitable for almost all applications.
PH93020B -
Linear IC Trainer
This trainer consists of :
- The regulated power supply of ± 12 V / 250 mA.
- Variable 0 to ±5 V / 250 mA.
- Sine wave oscillation of 1 KHz.
- Digital Voltmeter of 0-20 V DC, LCD display, 3 ½ Digit.
- The functional diagram of IC 741 is printed with 2 mm sockets.
- One extra 8-pin IC Base with 2 mm sockets.
- Potentiometer of 10K Ohms.
- Required Resistance and Capacitances mounted on board.
- Interconnection leads and manual to perform 15 experiments on IC 741 e.g. inverting, non-inverting, summing, difference, multiplier, differentiator, integrator, etc.
PH93025 -
Digital Trainer Using NAND Gates
Complete with a Regulated power supply of + 5V/500 mA. Provided with 4 Logic input switches (bounceless) and 4 LED Indicators (Buffered).
Functional diagram of:-
- 3 Input NAND – 6 No.
- 4 Input NAND – 4 No.
- 1 Input NOT Gates – 4 No. is printed on board.
- 12 Interconnection Leads and User’s Manual are provided.
PH93027 -
Discrete Component Trainer
Trainer consisting of Power Supply of +5 V, ± 12 V, each of 250 mA, Silicon, Germanium diodes, Zeners, PNP and NPN Transistors, FET, One speaker, 12 different values of carbon film resistances of ¼ W, ½ W, and 1 watt. 12 assorted values of capacitors from 100 PF to 1000 μF, Integrated Circuit (IC) Base and IC 74LS00 1 No. each. LED, LDR, Photodiode, Solar Cell Logic Switches (4 No.) and LED Indicators (4 No.), etc., 2 mm Interconnection Leads -10 No. and Comprehensive User’s Manual.