Steam Generator
Seamless construction, Safer than traditional models, features a tripod base that dissipates heat more evenly and efficiently. The base and legs are of chrome plated steel for heat and corrosion resistances are also unlikely to melt if the unit is used improperly. Supplied with instructions.
PH20220 -
Steam Heater
Copper cylindrical vessel 180 x 115 mm with steam vent and a vertical tube terminating in chute passing through side of vessel. A brass tube sliding fit in the central tube, with lower angle cut to seal the chute, enables heated material to be transferred to calorimeter without loss of heat.
PH20230 -
Wood and Metal Cylinder
To show that metal has a lower specific heat than wood, constructed of wood on one end and hollow metal on the other. One way is to simply let students feel both ends of the cylinder at room temperature, enabling them to see that the metal end is cooler than the wooden end. Another easy demonstration is to wrap paper on both ends and hold the cylinder over a flame for five seconds. The metal end will be relatively unmarked while the wooden end will show scorch marks. Includes instruction manual.
PH20271 -
Heat Conductivity Bar Set
A simple, effective apparatus demonstrates the heat conductivity of various metals. Four metals bars (Copper, Aluminum, Brass and Steel) are mounted on a base with a hole for suspension. Every metal bar has same cross-sectional area and its conductivity value is marked on the back of the base. The sensitive temperature indicators are attached to the front of each of the four metal bars. The color of the temperature indicator changes with the change in temperature. Place the bars in a beaker of hot water and compare their relative conductivities. With instructions.
PH20272 -
Searle’s Apparatus for Thermal Conductivity of Copper
Steam heated, with 230 x 25 mm copper bar, with a steam chamber at one end, the other end having a copper coil for cold water with inlet and outlet tubes. With two thermometer pockets. In box with insulated lagging, removable cover, without thermometers.