Double Quartz Distillation Units


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  • Quartz distillation units are manufactured from imported fused quartz tubes. The exceptionally high chemical purity and very low solubility of this material enables the production of very high performance system. The greatest possible attention has been taken for technical performance, simplicity of use and efficiency.


  • The unit consist of a primary boiler with built-in heater enclosed in a quartz boiler. Upper boiler has a built-in quartz coil and condensing unit which is mounted on the boiler. Double wall condenser ensures separate condensation of vapor coming from the two boilers using a single cooling circuit.


  • Quartz boiler
  • Quartz condenser
  • Distilled water output in 2-3 minutes.
  • Pyrogen free, free of heavy metals.
  • Powder coated stand for rust free operation.
  • Safety cut off device is included.

Distillate Quality

  • Conductivity: < 1.0 μS/cm
  • Distillate Temperature: 65 to 75°C
  • Distilled Water Quality: Pyrogen Free

* Indicates 3 Phase connection


Cat. No.Distilled Water OutputCooling Water Consumption (Approx.)Power Rating (Total)Quantity 
CH14045-15DQ1.5 ltr/hr60 ltr/hr3 kW
CH14045-25DQ2.5 ltr/hr70 ltr/hr4.4 kW
CH14045-35DQ3.5 ltr/hr90 ltr/hr7* kW
CH14045-40DQ4 ltr/hr120 ltr/hr8* kW
CH14045-50DQ5 ltr/hr150 ltr/hr9* kW