BG15421 | Allium root tips l.s. (showing mitotic divisions) |
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BG15422 | Avecenia pneumatophore t.s. |
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BG15423 | Beta root, storage type,t.s. |
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BG15424 | Cuscuta, (Haustoria) root, with host, t.s. |
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BG15425 | Cucurbita root t.s |
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BG15426 | Dicot root, primary structure t.s. |
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BG15427 | Dicot root, commencement of sec. growth, t.s. |
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BG15428 | Ficus aerial root t.s. |
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BG15429 | Ficus old root t.s |
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BG15430 | Hydrilla root, hydrophytic, t.s. |
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BG15431 | Ipomea root t.s. |
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BG15432 | Legume root with nodules t.s. |
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BG15433 | Maize root t.s. |
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BG15434 | Monocot root t.s. |
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BG15435 | Nymphaea root, typical hydrophyte t.s. |
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BG15436 | Orchid root showing velamen t.s. |
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BG15437 | Pandanus aerial root for lenticel t.s. |
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BG15438 | Sunflower, (helianthus), young root t.s. |
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BG15439 | Sunflower, (helianthus), old root t.s. |
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BG15440 | Tinospora aerial root t.s. |
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BG15441 | Ranunculus root t.s. |
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