Floral Morophology


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Cat. No.DescriptionQuantity 
BG15586Epigynous flower l.s.
BG15582Anther, typical young t.s.
BG15583Anther dehiscent t.s.
BG15584Euphorbia cyathodium v.s.
BG15585Hypanthodium v.s.
BG15587Hypogynous Flower l.s.
BG15588Perigynous flower l.s.
BG15589Pollen grain typical type
BG15590Pollen grain mixed type w.m.
BG15591Ranunculus flower l.s.
BG15592Sunflower capitilum v.s.
BG15593Composite inflorecense l.s. ovule, showing megasporogenesis.
BG15594L.S.ovule showing globular embryo heart shaped embryo.
BG15595L.S. dicot seed showing seed coat, embryo and endosperm.
BG15596Zea mays young seed v.s.
BG15597Seed germination seed l.s. with radicle. stem apem coleoptile